It’s 2019. Now What?!

2018 has come to a close. I am very happy about it. 2018 was not one of my best years to say the least. It was filled with so many challenges, both personally and professionally. I look forward to 2019 as an opportunity to press the reset button and reinvent myself. Come back swinging so to speak.

Let’s be real, I say this at the start of each new year. Then two days later, one month later, my zeal has fizzled once again and I’m back into my old habits. Not that my old habits are bad, I still get up each and everyday trying to be the best version of me, teach kids, take care of my family and be an overall awesome person. There were two incidents that occurred in the last two months of the year that got me to thinking, “Am I really giving it my best or do I sometimes just dial it in?!”

It hit me like a ton of bricks that I could be doing more for my family, friends and students. To make it plain and simple, I could just BE BETTER. So my focus for 2019 is to do better and be better. Of course, I had to ask myself, “Self, what does that mean?” The main thing I feel it means is to do all things intentionally. That means thinking about the purpose, being deliberate in my actions and conscious of how it will affect others. Easier said than done, I know, but striving to be better is the start. If everyone took the time to be better, we would see so much change in the world. Don’t worry, I promise to keep my soapbox posts to a minimum! Back to educational things in a couple days!

To everyone reading this, Happy New Year and let’s be better together!

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