Lesson 1 – Introduction to Ecosystems
Hello and welcome to Lesson 1 – Introduction to Ecosystems.
Before we begin, let’s test your knowledge of ecosystems with a quick pre-assessment. Click here to begin!
Next we will begin creating our interactive notebook about ecosystems.Watch this video to see how to create your first page!
Click here to download the Ecosystem Interactive Notebook KWL Page
First, let’s create our KWL page. This page tells our objectives for the entire course, which are:
- What is an ecosystem?
- What are the different types of habitats and biomes?
- How do living things use energy?
- What is a food chain?
At the bottom is our KWL chart – what we already know about ecosystems, what we want to learn about ecosystems and what we learned about ecosystems. Today we are just going to fill out what we already know and what we want to learn. At the end of the course we will complete the what we learned section.
Now take a few minutes to cut and paste your page into your notebook, like the one in the video.
Now think about what you already know about ecosystems. Try to think of three things and write them under the K. Comment one of your knows in the comment section.
Now think about what you want to learn about ecosystems. Try to think of three things and write them under the L. Comment one of your learns in the comment section.
Now let’s start to learn! Watch the following video to learn exactly what an ecosystem is.