This blog, online store and online learning platform is a personal project written, edited, and maintained exclusively by Kandice Brooks.

This website and its contents are ©2020 to Kandice Brooks of All rights reserved. All content on this website and blog (images, lessons, ideas, etc) is exclusively my property unless otherwise noted. Please email kbrooks at brookseacademy dot com.

You May:

  • Use a limited amount of photos from this blog on round-up blog posts or your website as long as you link back to this blog
  • Pin content from this blog on Pinterest
  • Share content from this blog on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
  • Use the free files provided on this website for your own personal classroom use. Please do not upload them to file hosting or sharing sites.
  • Share that you or your child is taking a course through this website on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

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  • Publish any content from this blog for commercial use without consent.
  • Reproduce, copy, publish, modify, or adapt any content from this blog without the written consent of the author.
  • Reproduce, copy, publish, modify or adapt any content from the courses offered on this website without the written consent of the author.