Consequences. We need to be more sensitive.

Last week I posed the question about whether or not consequences work. This is a hot topic for me and as the week went by, I see it is also on the minds of many educators and parents everywhere. I personally deal with students who time after time receive a consequence for all types of bad choices. The most popular go tos are out of school suspensions and lunch and recess detentions. I took to social media to see what the masses felt. On social media, everyone was divided. I happened upon a discussion on instagram about taking recess away from students as a consequence.

@nobsclassroommanagement felt that the behavior is definitely going to get worse the rest of the day.

@blackgirlsteach said that the few times she’d taken recess away, the behavior did not get worse. The students sat with her and reflected on their behavior and made changes.

Many more went on to condemn the practice of taking recess as a consequence, citing that students needed that time to release some of their bottled up energy.  While others questioned how would students learn from their behaviors if there were no consequences.

Before we can effectively correct behaviors we have to take a look at what may be the underlying cause of it. Special educators often conduct Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) on students to determine the cause of their behavior. Part of an FBA does consider factors that are going on in the student’s personal life, but the primary focus is the student’s behavior in school. What is the student doing and not doing. Unfortunately, we can’t go around conducting FBAs on every student.

So, what can we do? One of the first things we can do is take a look at ourselves as educators. Are we taking a culturally sensitive look at our students? I use the term culturally sensitive because it is a popular buzz word in education right now. We need all teachers to be culturally sensitive, but some do not truly knows what is means. according to the National Education Association, being culturally sensitive means that we are aware that students come from cultures other than our own. That awareness propels us to an understanding of those differences and provides us with the ability to still meet the needs of that student through our teaching.

Please understand that being culturally sensitive is not just about race! I’m an African American teacher, that does not mean that I am automatically culturally sensitive to everything that applies to all African American students. We all have different experiences and social economic backgrounds. I could be out of touch, but this is where relationship building becomes important. In order to be culturally sensitive towards anyone, we need to get to know them on some level to know what is going on with them.

By now you may be thinking she is saying a lot but what does this have to do with consequences? Building those relationships will tell us a lot about a child. It also creates a relationship built on trust, especially if the student feels that you are on their side. Based on that relationship students are more apt to listen when redirected. What about those children who still continue to struggle? Next week, I’m digging deeper into sensitivity by going beyond culture into trauma.

Until then, I want to know how are you being culturally sensitive and how do you feel about taking recess away from students? Comment and let me know!

Consequences. Do they work?

I have shared that I am a special education teacher. I teach math, language arts, and science in a self-contained resource classroom. I work with a wide range of special learners who at times do not make the correct choices. What happens when students don’t make the “correct” choices? They get a consequence! But what really is a consequence? When you check the dictionary, consequence has two different meanings:

  1. a result or effect of an action or condition
  2. importance or relevance

So essentially,  one could say, “that consequence was of no consequence!” Insert hysterical laugh track.  But seriously, how many times have you felt that a consequence actually worked? Whether as an educator or a parent, the use of consequences can be like navigating a minefield. Step too far to the right or left and it can end tragically. You know what that looks like; the student who never speaks to you again or the sullen teen in your home who does everything in their power to do the opposite of what you ask. 

Guilty as charged!!!!

I saw this meme and immediately thought to myself, guilty as charged. Yes, I too have complained about that student who is always into something. Of course, taking away his recess and replacing it with detention time after time after time will definitely make him think twice about his “choices.” Or suspending him for two days each time he does XYZ is going to make him stop (insert behavior of your choice). In my opinion, if a student constantly struggles to regulate their behavior or adhere to classroom expectations they will begin to act out in order to get a consequence. Especially if that consequence gets them out of class or school, situations or environments that may make them uncomfortable. Making the consequence something that is desired.

Now don’t get me wrong. I feel that consequences can work for some students but not all. As I often like to say at work, we have to get creative. Take the example of Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in Baltimore. Instead of sending students to detention or the principal’s office, the school created a Mindful Moment room, where students are asked to use calming strategies like deep breathing or mediation. Once they are calm they are encouraged to talk about what happened. Read more about this by clicking here.

If you don’t have the option to start a Mindful Moment room, what can you do?! Check back next week as I discuss how to avoid getting to the point of constant consequences.

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